Friday, August 9, 2019

Morphology of Flowering Plants (SIMPLIFIED)

The Root

  1. Underground part of plants without any node, internode, leaves, buds.

      2. Lateral branches arise from pericycle (Endogenous origin).

      3. Negatively phototropic & positively geotropic.

*Parts of Root:-

1] Root Cap, 2] Meristematic Region, 3] Elongation Region, 4] Maturation Region

1] Root Cap:-

1. Present at root tip/ apex of root.

2.It is Multicellular part.

3. Made up of Parenchyma

4. Thin walled cell is present here.

2] Meristematic Region:-

1.Proximal to Root cap.

2. Meristematic cells (Cells that devide repetedly) present here.

3. Small cells present.

4. Cells are thin walled (Secondary cell wall is absent) and protoplasm is dense.

3] Elongation Region:-

1. Proximal to Meristematic Zone

2. Undergo rapid elongation.

4] Maturation Region:-

1. Proximal to Elongation Zone

2. After differentiation in elongation region, Maturation Region is formed.

3. Root hair is present which increses the surface for mineral absorption.

*Root System:-

   1) Tap Root System:-

1. Present in Dicot

2. Present in most Dicotyledonous plants (see cotyledon), such as dandelions, produce taproots, and some, such as the edible roots of carrots and beets, are specialized for food storage.

3. Primary Root is Parmanent.

4. Lateral Root arise from Primary Root.

2) Fibrous Root System:-



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